Fence Requirement

Can A Fence Speak?

fenceYes it can. It can speak volumes. It tells everyone that you care deeply about the safety of your dog. It tells everyone the committment you have made to protect and care for your dog. It tells everyone that your dogs life is worth a little effort and a few dollars.

It also tells everyone that your dog will not be hit and killed on the road. It tells people that your dog will not be attacked by a stray dog. It tells people that your dog won’t be spooked and run off. It tells everyone how responsible you are.

So, yes…a fence does speak….It tells everyone exactly what kind of pet owner you are.

Reprinted courtesy of Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue

There is a deadly disease stalking your dog, a hideous, stealthy thing just waiting its chance to steal your beloved friend. It is not a new disease, or one for which there are inoculations. The disease is called “Trust.” You knew before you ever took your dog home that it could not be trusted. The rescue group/breeder who provided you with this precious animal warned you, drummed it into your head. Dogs steal off counters, destroy anything expensive, chase cats, take forever to house train, and must never be allowed off lead!! When the big day finally arrived, heeding the sage advice, you escorted your dog to his new home, properly collared and tagged, the lead held tightly in your hand. At home the house was “dog-proofed.” Everything of value was stored in the spare bedroom, garbage stowed on top of the refrigerator, cats separated, and a gate placed across the living room to keep at least one part of the house puddle free. All windows and doors had been properly secured, and signs placed in all strategic points reminding all to “Close the door!” Soon it becomes second nature to make sure the door closes nine tenths of a second after it was opened and that it is really latched. “Don’t let the dog out” is your second most verbalized expression. (The first is “No!”) You worry and fuss constantly, terrified that your darling will get out and disaster will surely follow. Your friends comment about who you love most, your family or the dog. You know that to relax your vigil for a moment might lose him to you forever.

And so the weeks and months pass, with your dog becoming more civilized every day, and the seeds of trust are planted. It seems that each new day brings less destruction, less breakage. Almost before you know it, your gangly, slurpy dog has turned into an elegant, dignified friend. Now that he is a more reliable, sedate companion, you take him more places. No longer does he chew the steering wheel when left in the car. And darned if that cake wasn’t still on the counter this morning. And, oh yes, wasn’t that the cat he was sleeping with so cozily on your pillow last night? At this point you are beginning to become infected, the disease is spreading its roots deep into your mind. After a time you even let him run loose from the car into the house when you get home. Why not, he always runs straight to the door, dancing a frenzy of joy and waits to be let in. And, remember he comes every time he is called. You know he is the exception that disproves the rule. (And sometimes late at night, you even let him slip out the front door to go potty and then right back in.)

Years pass — it is hard to remember why you ever worried so much. He would never think of running out the door left open while you bring in the packages from the car. It would be beneath his dignity to jump out the window of the car while you run into the convenience store. And when you take him for those wonderful long walks at dawn, it only takes one whistle to send him racing back to you in a burst of speed when the walk comes too close to the highway. (He still gets in the garbage, but nobody is perfect!) This is the time the disease has waited for so patiently. Sometimes it only has to wait a year or two, but often it takes much longer. He spies the neighbour dog across the street, and suddenly forgets everything he ever knew about not slipping out doors, jumping out windows or coming when called due to traffic. Perhaps it was only a paper fluttering in the breeze, or even just the sheer joy of running..Stopped in an instant. Stilled forever. Your heart is broken at the sight of his still beautiful body. The disease is trust.

The final outcome — hit by a car. Every morning my dog bounced around off lead exploring. Every morning for seven years he came back when he was called. He was perfectly obedient, perfectly trustworthy. He died fourteen hours after being hit by a car. Please do not risk your friend and your heart. Save the trust for things that do not matter. Please read this every year on your dog’s birthday, lest we forget. ~Author Unknown~ The point of this sad story is that you should never let your dog off lead unless in a safe and/or secure fenced in area. Far too many animals have been injured or killed because of carelessness; even unintentional. Your pets rely on you to keep them safe, just like children do. Thousands of dogs and cats are hit by cars and killed in the US each year. Do your best to make sure your beloved pet does not become another tragic statistic; keep them safely confined and/or restrained at all times.